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Keenly fought contest in Easter bonnet competition.

Thirty one residents produced some high quality head wear for the Whitebourne Easter Bonnet competition.

Each resident chose their own designs which included chickens, eggs or flowers

On the competition day the hats were displayed on tables, so that the judges would not know which resident designed which hat. Our manager Ros Stevenson and Gill Painter, the daughter of one of our residents judged the competition.

The winners were announced at a presentation which included Pimms and soft drinks.

Third place went to Marjorie Nott. Her hat was designed as Carmen Miranda, pink, full of fruit and with flowers on top.

Second place went to Donald Thomas.  His was a straw hat designed as a bird’s nest, a large chicken on top with baby chicks hatching from cracked eggshells.

First place went to Helen Stocks.  She designed her hat totally on her own, choosing all the flowers and the colour coordination was outstanding.

Ros thanked everyone for participating in the competition and presented each resident with an Easter Egg.

Competition prize winners left to right: Marjorie Nott (3rd ), Donald Thomas (2nd ) and Helen Stocks (1st)


Open to new residents

Burleigh Road, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7EP


CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • End of life care
  • Day club