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New point of contact for local GPs

The Treatment Centre employs a dedicated GP Liaison Officer, with our aim to provide a sole point of contact for all communication with General Practitioners and Practice staff throughout Southampton, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.  We are pleased to announce that we have appointed Jason White to this position as of Monday 14th March.

Jason brings a great knowledge of Southampton Treatment Centre to the role, having worked as Outpatients Admin and Surgery Bookings Manager at the Centre for the past year.

Jason will now be the first point of contact for all GP's and aim to improve the service we provide to practice staff and their patients.

Jason said: "I'm really excited by this new challenge.  The Liaison Officer role is an important one for the treatment centre, evermore so with the changes towards GP commissioning."

If you are a GP or work in a GP practice and need to contact Jason, he can be contacted on: 07918 746991 or