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Clubs kick off footballer’s 89th birthday celebrations

Stars from Watford and Chelsea football clubs have offered cards and memorabilia to celebrate the 89th birthday of their former star player Reg Williams at Chalfont Court home in Rickmansworth.

Reg Williams, the oldest living Chelsea player, scored in one of the most famous Chelsea games ever - the 3-3 draw against Moscow Dynamo in 1945 - in front of the biggest crowd ever to cram inside Stamford Bridge.

The party was arranged by the home’s administrator Stella Grimsdale. She said: ”Reg and his wife are a wonderful couple and we all just wanted to do something to mark his birthday and career.

“The teams have been marvellous. Watford FC sent along a ball signed by all the players. Chelsea are sending along a photo of Reg at the Moscow Dynamo game, signed by John Terry – plus another picture signed by Frank Lampard as the team’s current midfielder.”