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Patient praises services at Care UK's Eclleshill Treatment Centre

A 77-year-old lady from Leeds is encouraging people in Bradford and Leeds to take advantage of the services provided at Eccleshill NHS Treatment Centre after she received first-class care.

Shirley Holmes from Farnley was one of the first patients to experience the service at Eccleshill, following its relaunch by Care UK. 

Shirley has been suffering with arthritis, causing her to need multiple operations and is on medication to help her with this ailment, but found the treatment centre at Eccleshill helped ease her pains as well as her worries. 

She was having difficulty organising her referral and appointments and, rather than letting her fend for herself, Eccleshill staff gave her a helping hand, and even arranged for her transport to and from the centre. 

Shirley commented: “I was having real trouble getting my appointment organised, but the team at Eccleshill helped me out." 

Shirley was so impressed with the service that she even baked the medical staff a cake to say thank you. 

She added: “They help you with the little things that make all the difference, for example ensuring you can get to and from your appointments, and they always have time to stop and talk, no matter how busy they are. 

“Now when I go to see my doctor and he refers me for x-rays and other treatments, I always ask him to make sure I’m sent to Eccleshill, because I know I will get treated like royalty”.