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Local School pupils visit the Treatment Centre

Pupils from Mount Pleasant Junior School in Newtown, Southampton visited the Royal South Hants (RSH) Hospital recently to find out a bit about what goes on in their local community hospital.

As part of their visit the pupils, aged 7-11 years old, visited Southampton Treatment Centre, who arranged four different workshops for the group:  The importance of Handwashing with the aid of an ultra violet light box, a talk from a consultant on Heart and Lungs whilst listening to each others heartbeats, a talk from the Physio who explained about a patients rehabilitation process and an eyesight test in the Ophthalmology unit.

The pupils were engrossed in the activities and went back to school to tell their Headteacher about their visit to the centre.  They also sent individual letters to the staff at the Treatment Centre, thanking them for their enjoyable day and the things they learnt.

Paula Friend, General Manager at Southampton Treatment Centre said:  “It was great to see the pupils show such enthusiasm and interest on their visit.  Their behaviour was exemplary and I think the members of our team that were involved enjoyed it as much as the pupils did!”