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Care UK Takes Over Running of Treatment Centre serving Bradford and Leeds NHS Patients

Following the announcement by NHS Bradford & Airedale on 3 June regarding Eccleshill NHS Treatment Centre, Care UK is pleased to confirm it has taken over the running of the centre.

New general manager, Patricia Warwick, believes Care UK’s track record across its seven treatment centres over the past five years will help it to rapidly gain the confidence of the local health community as the new operator of the centre.

Patricia Warwick said: “We’re looking forward to welcoming the local community and meeting GPs in the catchment area of Eccleshill Treatment Centre. There are a number of changes and improvements being planned that will be announced over the coming weeks.”

The treatment centre in Eccleshill provides a range of NHS services, varying from treating hernias to minor foot and knee surgery, to patients across Bradford and Airedale, and Leeds.

Care UK, who took over the running of Eccleshill on 1 July, is the largest independent operator of NHS treatment centres in the UK and the largest independent provider of health care services to the NHS. The company sees over 500,000 NHS patients a year in facilities spread from Portsmouth to Newcastle.

The success of the new contract for Eccleshill NHS Treatment Centre for Care UK will depend on the company’s ability to attract patients and referrals from GPs based on its record of clinical quality and customer satisfaction. The NHS will pay Care UK in the same way it pays other NHS hospitals - on a procedure by procedure basis.

Patricia Warwick said; “People choosing a Care UK treatment centre can expect sector leading levels of patient care from staff who are passionate about quality. Patients can typically be seen within a few weeks of referral and they can be reassured by the company’s track record of zero cases of hospital acquired MRSA.”

The treatment centre in Eccleshill benefits from a close working relationship with the local NHS whose own consultant surgeons from the Bradford Royal Infirmary also work there. Eccleshill provides extra surgical capacity to help the local NHS minimise patient treatment times and deliver improved services. The centre has its own X-ray, MRI, ultrasound and CT scanners so the centre can provide direct access diagnostics to GPs and their patients without the need for an additional hospital appointment.

Pictured from left are Roz Miller, Theresa Hulstead, general manager Patricia Warwick, Karen Gloster and Jen Farmer outside Eccleshill NHS Treatment Centre.