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World Cup

World Cup 2010 fever has hit the UK and staff from Barlborough NHS Treatment Centre are preparing to help educate children about host nation South Africa’s culture.

Woodsetts Primary School in Rotherham has invited two members of staff from the Centre to visit during the first week of the World Cup tournament. Agnes Chirozvi, originally from Zimbabwe and Edie Fick, from Durban in South Africa, will be attending lessons to educate children about the two countries.  Classes of 4 and 5 year olds will learn about their cultures and will be shown objects from the World Cup host country.
Graeme Kendall, Manager at Care UK’s Barlborough NHS Treatment Centre said: “It’s very important for children to learn about different cultures. I’m very proud that my staff are giving something back to the community. South Africa is my native country and so I’m very excited that they are hosting the tournament.”

Every effort will be made to ensure that patients who are football fans are able to watch the World Cup Tournament matches at the Centre, although the surgeons and physiotherapists are ruling out any attempts at fancy football tricks from their patients!!  At present the Centre hasn’t had any patients cancelling their treatment as a result of their passion for football.