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Patients see their wish come true at Barlborough

Patients concerned about the availability of one of the regions best-loved hospitals will be celebrating the news that Barlborough NHS Treatment Centre will be able to continue carrying out operations this year.

Barlborough hospital, run by Care UK carries out almost 1 in 5 of the planned NHS hip and knee replacements in the region.  Over the past few months there has been considerable media speculation over the future of the hospital as its five-year contract was due to end in March 2010.  Managers at Care UK were delighted to hear this week that NHS colleagues have agreed to extend the lease for a further six months whilst discussions about the long-term future of the hospital continue.

This means that for the next six months, at least, patients can choose Barlborough on the Extended Choice network of the NHS Choose and Book system and the cost to the NHS will be the same as the fee charged by other public sector hospitals.

Welcoming the news about the short term lease, Hospital Manager Graeme Kendall said:  “I would particularly like to thank all those former patients who have taken the trouble to get in touch pledging their support for Barlborough.  The quality of our clinical outcomes, the high standard of care that we provide and the fact that we have not had a single case of hospital acquired MRSA and C-difficile at Barlborough is well known by patients and by the GPs who advise them on the choices available to them. We are confident that people will continue to make good use of the hospital.”

Care UK is now bidding for the long term lease on Barlborough which will allow it to continue offering NHS patients the same excellent service over the coming years.  A decision is expected to be made by the NHS in the summer.