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New Lunch and Learn sessions now available!

Drawing on our team of experienced consultants, we are proud to offer a series of Lunch and Learn educational sessions, delivering clinical seminars to GPs in their own practices.

Covering our 5 specialty areas of Gynaecology, Urology, Musculoskeletal, General Surgery and Ear, Nose and Throat, we are aiming to provide a rolling programme of seminars that are both informative and educational.

Delivered in GPs own surgeries, the sessions offer the maximum opportunity for learning with minimal disruption to a busy GP practice.

Medical Director, David Cade, explains, "We are really excited about our new seminar programme.  They are designed to help build good relationships with our referrers, plus share the very latest information on specialties, treatments and techniques, for the benefit of local GPs and patients."

For further details please feel free to contact one of our GP liaison representatives:

Manchester PCTs: Sarah Stewart-Jones 07501 683020
Bury, Oldham or Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale PCT areas: Debra Yildirim 0773 3898574
All other Greater Manchester PCT areas: Pauline Spencer, GP liaison manager, 07768 023234

For a full list of topics and a booking form please see our download section under General Info to register your interest.