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Care UK welcomes Health Committee report on social care

Following his speech to the Long Term Care Conference in London, Doug Umbers, Managing Director of Social Care at Care UK said:

"The Health Select Committee is absolutely right that we need to stop playing politics with social care, it's too important for that. We need a grown up debate about what kind of services we need, how much they cost, and how we can pay for it.  I welcome Kevin Barron's plea for this not to become an election football.

“At Care UK, we passionately believe that people deserve high quality services but we recognise that this means attracting the best staff and giving them the best possible training.  If we are serious about social care in the future, there needs to be a proper debate about funding. “

The report outlines how the social care sector in the UK needs to  undergo substantial change as it responds to the needs of an ageing population, economic pressures, increasing regulatory scrutiny and a move to more individualised care. But greater reform is needed.

As one of the largest providers of social care, Care UK is committed to working with partner organisations to address the issues raised in the report.