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Join us for our Open Day - 21st March 2010

Barlborough will be hosting it’s very own Open Day on Sunday 21st March from 10am until 4pm and you’re invited!

Since 2005, we’ve treated over 20,000 patients; many of whom have been ‘over the moon’ about their treatment and in the process, have helped the local NHS significantly cut their orthopaedic waiting times.  Despite Barlborough’s uncertain future (click here to read more), our team wanted to celebrate our success so far by holding an open day and we hope you’ll be able to stop by.

We’re inviting all of our healthcare colleagues and local councillors, as well as past and prospective patients, to come and have a look around, meet the staff and consultants and even give visitors the chance to go behind-the-scenes and check out our theatres and gym.  What’s more there’ll be free mini health-checks, fun and games for the kids and you never know, you might even bump into familiar faces you remember from your stay!

This will be an access-all-areas opportunity to find out more about Barlborough and its future so we hope you can drop in and see us.

For more details, please contact us on 01246 575075.