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Care UK not surprised by new dementia statistics

Doug Umbers, Managing Director of Social Care at Care UK said:  “As one of the largest providers of care to people suffering with dementia, both in their homes and in a residential setting, we see first hand the devastating impact that the disease has on people’s lives.  Sadly the figures released today do not surprise us.

It is absolutely vital that research funding is directed towards both preventing the disease and helping to slow its development in those who do contract it.  More importantly, the research needs to be a combined effort and not led by just the pharmaceutical industry. 

Our experience shows that a person’s environment and social interactions can help slow down the onset of symptoms and minimise distress.”

47 of Care UK’s nursing and residential care homes provide beds for people with dementia. A good example is Heatherbrook Nursing Home in Romford which cares for 45 people with high levels of dementia care needs.  The home puts great emphasis on sensory stimulation techniques which help to enrich lives and manage challenging behaviour. For this work, Heatherbrook became national care home of the year in 2009.