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Back on the Farm – and Behind the Wheel - After Swift Treatment

Isle of Wight farmer’s daughter Pauline Johnson is now back at work with the animals after a successful operation at the Southampton NHS Treatment Centre.

Pauline, from Seaview, is now fully recovered after the procedure and overnight stay at the Treatment Centre at the Royal South Hants Hospital.

She secured an outpatient appointment shortly after her GP outlined the range of choices available for treatment and recommended she opt for the Treatment Centre. The outpatient appointment included meetings with all the health professionals who would be providing expertise and care during and after the operation for endoscopic extirpation of lesion of ovary.
Apart from helping out on the farm, Pauline is also a long-distance truck driver and is regularly at the wheel of a 16.5 metre, 44 ton articulated heavy goods vehicle for lengthy journeys through Europe.

‘Life is busy and I’m normally very fit so I wanted to get treated and back at work as soon as I could. Having all the tests done in one go was very convenient, especially as I had to travel from the island,’ explained Pauline. ‘Everyone at the Treatment Centre was very kind and friendly, I felt full of confidence right from my first visit.’

Her husband Ray was also welcomed at the Treatment Centre as Pauline underwent the outpatient examinations. At the end of the morning, consultant Miss Padmini Prasad was able to suggest a date for the operation, just two weeks afterwards. ‘It took just five weeks from getting the date for the outpatient appointment to going in for the operation,’ said Pauline.

On admission for the operation, Pauline was greeted by the whole team. ‘There were a few complications so I stayed in the ward overnight, just in case. It wasn’t a good idea to go home straightaway to the Isle of Wight, but everything was fine. And the food was great.’