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Making a world of difference

Making a big difference to people’s lives is the aim of the North East London NHS Treatment Centre – and thanks to the skill of the medical staff it has done just that for many thousands of patients since the Centre opened in late 2007.

Take 85-year-old Bob Chapman from Barking, for instance.

Bob, and 80-year-old wife Betty, must be two of the busiest and liveliest octogenarians one could wish to meet. They work tirelessly to support Richard House Children’s Hospice in Barking – and when they’re not doing that, they are in at the deep end with the Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy, assisting people with disabilities learn to swim and experience freedom in the water.

So, it was not a little inconvenient to Bob when he needed a knee replacement operation. Thanks to the North East London NHS Treatment Centre – and a new knee – Bob can now take to the water again with Betty.

“I was in Kingfisher Ward, and the care and attention I received from staff there was wonderful,” says Bob.

The Chapmans were so delighted with the care of staff that they decided to donate a hand-sewn kingfisher picture to the ward – all Betty’s own work.

“It seemed like the least we could do,” says Betty. “Everyone has been so kind. This is the best NHS facility we’ve ever encountered.”