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Heatherbrook provides excellent care

Care UK’s Heatherbrook nursing home at Romford, in Essex, has been rated “Excellent” by inspectors from the Care Quality Commission.

The 45-bed purpose built home that cares for elderly people suffering from dementia, was the subject of an unannounced visit in July from the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

Their main findings were that Heatherbrook had a good system for pre-admission assessments of prospective residents ensuring they would receive a particularly personalised service on arrival. Very positive feedback was received from relatives of residents about the time devoted to them and making sure everything was in place before a person moved in.

The inspectors also praised the management and administration of the home which has an ‘open door’ policy. Heatherbrook provides an environment which meets the needs of residents suffering from dementia.

The report also found that there was a comprehensive activities programme and there was a good choice of meals that were praised by residents. The inspection highlighted the robust procedures for recruitment of staff, ensuring the safety of residents.


The Home Manager of Heatherbrook, Alison Graham, said:”I am absolutely delighted with the result of this inspection and I am extremely proud of the staff here. I have a wonderful team at Heatherbrook who work hard every day and this ‘Excellent’ rating is a testimony to their dedication. They are second to none.”

Excellent is the highest level given by the Care Quality Commission and to achieve that a home has to have a sustained track record of delivering good performance and managing improvement. For example, an “Excellent” home should have a high commitment to promoting dignity, a focus on valuing diverse needs, and an innovative approach to care practices.