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Care UK appoints new Managing Director of Social Care

In the social care sector Care UK manages over 50 nursing and residential homes for older people, provides over 120,000 hours of care and support each week to older or disabled people in their own homes and offers a range of specialist care services including children’s services and the care of people with learning disabilities or mental health needs.

Doug joins Care UK from VT Group Plc where he was Managing Director, VT Communications and brings significant strategic and general management experience to the Group. 

Mike Parish, Chief Executive of Care UK, said:

“This is an important time for Care UK to be reinforcing its leadership team. The social care sector in the UK is undergoing substantial change as it responds to the needs of an ageing population, economic pressures, increasing regulatory scrutiny and a move to more individualised care.

Doug brings substantial experience of strategic development and building businesses and his skills are well suited to shaping the future of Care UK.  Care UK is committed to providing consistently high quality services that deliver high levels of satisfaction from the people who use our services and at the same time delivering real value to commissioners.

Doug has a track record of delivering service excellence.   He will be focusing on quality and performance as well as looking at new ways to improve and innovate care to ensure that Care UK is better able to fulfil the lives of the people it serves.”