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Mark Hunt: Independent Sector improves quality of care and patient access

“The involvement of the independent sector in providing services such as GP surgeries and walk-in centres has vastly improved the quality of care patients receive and gives them far greater access health care whenever they need it, through expanding capacity and pioneering innovative techniques. The Scottish Government’s plan to ban the independent sector from running GP practices means, quite simply, that patients will lose out. GP surgeries and walk in centres run by the independent sector are often found in some of the most deprived areas of the country, and this policy would mean that those people who often have the most acute health care needs will struggle to access medical care. Care UK is proud of the extremely high standard of care we provide in our GP practices and walk in centres, with 94% of our patients rating our walk-in centres as either good or excellent. We would be extremely disappointed if patients in Scotland were prevented from accessing such high quality, convenient health care simply because of a prejudice against the independent sector.”