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Care UK to open new GP Practice in Southend

Responding to the announcement by NHS South East Essex on the selection of Care UK to provide a new GP practice in the St Luke’s area of Southend, Mark Hunt, Managing Director of Care UK Primary Care said:

“Care UK is delighted to have been selected to provide this GP practice, giving access to high quality health care to the people of Southend. The practice will provide medical services to anyone, from 8am to 8pm seven days a week, meaning that everyone in the area will benefit from this new surgery. Care UK is proud of the extremely high standard of care we provide in our GP practices and walk in centres, with 94% of our patients rating our walk-in centres as either good or excellent.

Care UK already runs an out of hours GP service in South East Essex where patients enjoy convenient access to quality healthcare.  Care UK fully expects the care at the new centre in Southend to be of a similarly high standard, and we are looking forward to continuing to work in partnership with NHS South East Essex to bring high quality health care to the people of Southend.”