Company news
Nov 01, 2006
Corvedale Care is a leading provider of specialist residential, educational and therapeutic care services to young people aged 10 to17. Corvedale Care has built up strong "preferred provider" relationships with over 80 Local Authorities around the UK.
The heart of Corvedale Care is its crisis care home, an adventure activities facility on the Welsh borders. Youngsters with care needs spend up to 12 weeks here before either returning home, transferring to a Corvedale Care residential care home, where they continue to receive specialist training and tailored therapeutic support; or moving to an alternative placement.
This year, every Year 11 (and one Year 10) student at Corvedale Care exceeded the Government's requirements for GCSE examination passes. They also recorded significant achievements in Entry Level Certificates and ASDAN (Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network) passes at Bronze and Silver levels.
Two of these pupils remain in the care of Corvedale Care and continue to attend the organisation's two registered special schools working towards future GCSE qualifications. One of the two is part of a cohort of day pupils placed with Corvedale Care by the LEA in Shropshire, which is part of a longstanding and successful joint venture for continuing education for those excluded from mainstream schools.
As well as achieving good results educationally, Every Child Matters research shows significant achievement at both Corvedale Care schools in key areas such as attendance, and the organisation's therapists can point to HONOSCA (health of the National Outcome Scores for Children and Adolescents) scores which show positive developments in Corvedale children's emotional and behavioural development.
Paul Hurd, operations director at Corvedale Care, commented: "The recent report 'Handle with Care' (an investigation into the care system) concludes: 'The State cannot replace the unconditional love of a parent. It can, however, provide an alternative to a violent and chaotic home life. At the very least it should keep the young people in its care safe and provide what they need and ask for: Stability, Continuity and Education.' We wholeheartedly agree with these sentiments, seek to employ them in our every day policies, and thank those authorities that have placed long term subjects with us, enabling success and achievement."
We are happy to arrange interviews with a range of experts, commentary on industry issues and site visits for filming, photography or sound recording. Please get in touch with your requirements and we will do our best to arrange a suitable response.
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