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Celebrating success in Person Centred Planning

Over the past two years Rosebank House have been working closely with Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust to implement a Person Centred Planning approach within the unit.

The project kicked off with awareness sessions to gain buy-in to the project from staff, service users and carers/relatives. These sessions generated a great deal of enthusiasm and were followed by intensive training for those staff interested in becoming PCP facilitators. The facilitator training was provided by the PCP Consultant at the Trust who has provided ongoing support and supervision throughout the project. After training the facilitator began to work with service users to produce life plans which were reviewed by the consultant prior to implementation.

Rosebank House was recently invited to celebrate their achievements in implementing Person Centred Planning at a Stakeholder Day organised by the Trust.

Rosebank presented their experiences with a service user, Helen who was one of the first people in Rosebank House to start her Essential Life Plan. Helen wanted to share her life plan with other groups - what she wanted to achieve in the future, her dreams and how she wants to lead her life. Helen's plan also demonstrated how other services and the communities have been involved.

Various organisations as well as Rosebank House presented their experiences and successes in Person Centred Planning and the day provided a good opportunity to network with other services, share good practice and gain inspiration.

Care UK has now fully adopted the principle of Person Centred Planning and is committed to implementing the approach across all its mental health services over the next year.