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Greville House Nursing Home reopens

Richmond Council has been working in partnership with Care UK, one of the UK's leading providers of health and social care services, to develop three purpose-built residential care homes, replacing former Council run homes.

The homes, within the Borough, offer residential and nursing care for older people. Greville House is the third home to open, with Laurel Dene and White Farm Lodge previously rebuilt and opened in 2003 and 2004 respectively. All three homes offer high quality care in very modern facilities.

The Council and Care UK are delighted with the partnership and the facilities and care provided at the three homes.

Tony Hosking, Managing Director of Care UK Residential Care Services said "I am delighted that the three homes in Richmond are now open and providing high quality care to the older people of Richmond.

Greville House represents Care UK's and the Council's commitment to the provision of high quality services for years to come."