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Redwood Welcomes New Residents

Redwood has 20 intermediate care beds and nursing care services for older people.

The intermediate care beds will be used to transfer people from hospital to Redwood, when they are medically fit, to begin a programme of rehabilitation and therapy. During their stay at Redwood people will receive a full assessment of their care needs and arrangements for their future care needs when they may return to their homes with support or into long term nursing or residential care.

In addition to the twenty assessment beds at Redwood there are 30 long term nursing beds, which are greatly needed due to a shortfall of local long term nursing places.

David Sargeant, Adults and Community Care Area Director, said: "Redwood is a concrete example of partnership initiatives. This venture highlights partnerships are not an end in themselves, they lead to improved services to users and carers. This will significantly reduce delayed transfers from local acute hospitals, by transferring people to Redwood where they will receive ongoing therapy and assessment, freeing up more acute beds for those people who are ill."

Mike Parish, Chief Executive of Care UK said: "We are delighted to be working on such an innovative solution, with Care UK, Social Services and the PCT working so actively together. Specialist therapy has a vitally important part to play in avoiding extended hospitalisation or unnecessary long-term residential care."