Christmas is always a magical time of year full of glad tidings, comfort and joy – but in 2023 we decided to take it one step further.
Not content with simply listening to the Christmas charts, residents at Heather View in Crowborough, decided to give Michael Bublé and Mariah Carey a run for their money by writing their very own Christmas Number 1.
You might recognise some of the budding artists from ‘Song for a King’, which saw Heather View make headlines for their unique tribute to King Charles III for his Coronation, and this festive season they’re back with a brand-new hit that’s sure to get the whole family rocking around the Christmas tree.
Residents and the team at Heather View had a tree-mendous time recording a very special Christmas song.
Watch the video nowProving you’re never too old to fulfil your dreams, while the rest of us were still wondering if November was too early to start putting the tree up, residents were donning their festive jumpers and brainstorming their favourite things about Christmas.
Writing the song hasn’t only been a benefit for our ears but was fantastic for residents too as they shared fond memories, discussed family traditions and debated over the best Boxing Day tipple, promoting the sense of community and encouraging reminiscence which we know is so important within our homes, especially for those living with dementia.
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