Care UK is planning for the future in Wellington
Care UK is bringing forward proposals to deliver a new high-quality care home at land south of Exeter Road, Wellington. The development would provide 72 bedrooms in an up-to-date building, providing specialist residential, nursing, and dementia care. Care UK is carrying out a full public consultation to get the views of the local community before looking to submit a planning application to Somerset Council before the end of 2023.
The proposal
Care UK’s proposals for land south of Exeter Road would deliver the following:
- A fit-for-purpose 72-bedroom care home in an up-to-date building able to meet all the needs of residents and on-site colleagues. The Government has said that “the need to provide housing for older people is critical”. These proposals will support fulfilling the national need for housing and specialist care accommodation.
- A carefully designed layout which allows the home to be split into suites, giving privacy to residents while creating space for fully ensuite bedrooms, all with access to high-quality outdoor space, and a high level of communal space and ancillary provision.
- 74 full-time equivalent jobs on-site once the home is operational, creating employment opportunities for local people and improving the economic prosperity of Wellington.
- Reduced pressure on the local community and health facilities.
- A Travel Plan to influence staff and visitors to use forms of transport other than cars to reduce traffic, minimise parking demand, and promote active lifestyles.
You can view our public consultation materials here, which go into more detail on the proposals.
View public consultation materials

The site plan above shows the proposed layout.

The site plan above shows the proposed ground floor layout.

The site plan above shows the proposed first floor layout.

The site plan above shows the proposed second floor layout.
For more details, please select from the below:
- Ecological enhancements – there will be a wide range of new ecological enhancements within the design, including bat and bird boxes and the planting of new trees and flora to attract wildlife.
- Landscape enhancements – As well as being a high-quality building, the proposals will focus on enhancements to the landscaping around the site.
- Trees – the retention of existing trees and planting of approx. 30 new trees, as well as vegetation to help screen the development.
- Promotion of sustainable transport options – Care UK is committed to promoting sustainable transport options for staff. A Travel Plan will be implemented which promotes sustainable modes of transport such as the use of public transport, cycling, walking, and car sharing initiatives to staff.
- Care UK is mindful of environmental impacts and climate change. To ensure the proposals are as sustainable as possible, electric vehicle charging points will be available for staff and visitors, and Care UK is also investigating the most effective renewable energy technologies to incorporate into the design (e.g. solar panels and/or air source heat pumps etc).
- Flooding and drainage – The proposed development will not have a negative impact on flooding or drainage around the site.
- Phosphate neutrality – the care home will be ‘phosphate neutral’ to mitigate against the potential harmful ecological impacts of new development to the Somerset Levels and Moors Special Protection Area.
- Permanent local employment – the proposed development will result in new employment on the site, with 74 full-time equivalent jobs available once operational, for staff such as carers, nurses, gardeners, and receptionists.
- Temporary local employment – should approval be granted, during the construction phase of the proposals, local construction jobs will be created.
- Improved economic prosperity of Wellington – colleagues and visitors will contribute to additional expenditure in local shops, and the wider area.
- Provision of specialist care accommodation – The Government’s planning practice guidance (PPG) states that “the need to provide housing for older people is critical”, the proposals support this as well as national planning policy requirements for a need for specialist care accommodation. At a local level, the Council anticipates that the population of people aged 75+ will increase by 14,762 between 2020 and 2040, highlighting an acute local need too.
- Reduce pressure on local community and health facilities – The proposals will help reduce the pressures on local hospitals and health facilities. This is because residents in the home will receive care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from qualified nurses, which removes the need for residents to use local health provisions with their medical needs being met in the home. By reducing hospital bed blocking, this would generate cost savings to the NHS.
- Reduced loneliness through design that encourages interaction and activities in communal areas, as well as reduced falls in a well-designed and safe environment.
A Construction Management Plan will be put in place as part of any planning application submitted to Somerset Council, and will detail how traffic, waste, dust, and noise are managed during the construction phase of the project, to ensure minimal disruption to the surrounding area and community. Should planning permission be granted, and Care UK decide to continue with the proposed development, updates of any road disruption and construction milestones will be fully communicated to those most likely to be affected.
Have your say
Care UK is committed to considering the views of the local community before submitting a planning application to Somerset Council. A public consultation period is currently underway and will close on Sunday 1st October.
There are a number of ways that you can have your say on the proposals:
You can fill out a feedback survey here.
In person
We will be holding a drop-in event at:
All Saints Church, 3 Exeter Road, Rockwell Green, Wellington, TA21 9DH,
Thursday 21 September 2023, between 4pm and 8pm
The event will be an opportunity to learn more about the proposals, speak with members of the project team, and give your feedback. If you can’t make it, the exhibition boards on display at the event will be available to view on this website after the event.
Contact us
If you have any questions or would like further information on the proposals or the public consultation, please do not hesitate to get in contact with the project team by:
Calling: 0800 058 4229 (freephone)