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As you search for a care home, add your shortlisted homes here by clicking the heart icon. You'll find all your choices here for ease of reference.

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A helping hand

Download our guide, packed with lots of advice and inspiration to support you whatever stage of the care journey you may be at

We understand that the role of a family carer is far from easy, and it can take an immense toll on your own health and strength. That's why at Care UK, we’ve pooled the expertise of our colleagues and fellow carers to produce 'A helping hand' – a guide full of practical and emotional advice for those caring for a loved one or relative.

Download guide

Inside this guide:

  • Ways to make your caring role easier
  • Why it’s important to take a break
  • What to look for if you’re thinking about a care home
  • How to tackle the topic of care with your loved one