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Sway care home resident’s wish to ride in a hot air balloon comes true


A 95-year-old Sway care home resident who wanted to take to the skies in a hot air balloon has had her dreams come true.

Charmian Vilven, who lives at Care UK’s Sway Place, on Church Lane, was thrilled when she got the chance to finally live her lifelong dream of flying among the clouds in a hot air balloon to celebrate her 95th birthday. 

When the team at Sway Place asked if Charmian would like to add something to the home’s ‘Wishing Tree’, an initiative launched by Care UK which allows residents to suggest ideas for new hobbies they’d like to try, places they’d like to visit and activities they’d like to do, Charmian wasted no time in adding her hot air balloon wish to mark her 95th birthday on 15 August.  

After enjoying a picnic at Winchester Abbey, Charmian took off from Norton Park before viewing the sites of Winchester from the clouds for a hour journey over the Hampshire countryside. 

Commenting on the afternoon, Charmian said: “I loved it. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and one I will not forget! I liked seeing the wonderful scenery, and all the animals down below, including hares, rabbits, deer and cattle.”

Laura Blake Home Admissions Advisor at Sway Place, said: “It was fantastic to see Charmian take to the skies and the joy that this activity brought, and she embraced all the sights and sounds of Hampshire’s countryside. We love making wishes come true for residents. 

“Our ethos here at Sway Place is to fulfilling residents’ lives, and it was wonderful to be able to make this dream come true. We are determined to give residents the opportunity to fulfill their dreams, no matter the circumstances – and we’re thrilled this was such a success for Charmian.

“We’re already looking forward to fulfilling more of the  residents’ wishes, whether up in the air or firmly on the ground!”

Designed to enable residents to live active and fulfilled lives, while also promoting independence, Sway Place incorporates space for hobby and leisure activities. The home provides full-time residential care, dementia care and respite care. The layout of the building is configured into a series of individual suites, and 14 independent living cottages, each having a dedicated lounge/dining room to help facilitate the creation of close-knit communities. 

Open to new residents

Sway Place, Church Lane, Sway, Hampshire, SO41 6AD

Sway Place

CQC Rating: Outstanding
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club