Home news
Apr 08, 2024
A care home in Quorn is fostering friendship within the local community with the help of a special guest.
Taking place on Friday 12th April, from 10.30am-12pm, the community will be invited to Care UK’s Lonsdale Mews, on Farley Way, to join The Mayor of Charnwood and the local community for its Friendship Café initiative.
Aiming to combat loneliness and isolation in the local community, the café is open to those who live alone or simply want some companionship. Guests who book their place can enjoy a chat over coffee and cake with likeminded people and make new friends.
Older people are especially prone to loneliness and social isolation, with an estimated two million people in England over the age of 75 living alone*.
Toby Sturgess, Home Manager at Lonsdale Mews care home, said: “We’re pleased to announce that the Mayor of Charnwood will be joining us at Lonsdale Mews for our next friendship café.
“Already incredibly popular, especially with older people in our local community, we are looking forward to sharing the benefits of our friendship café initiative with the local Mayor and the impact this is having in reducing loneliness and isolation for the people in Quorn. The team here at Lonsdale Mews strive to create a sense of belonging within the home and our wider community, and our Friendship Café has proven brilliant at doing just that.
“We’ve created a warm and welcoming environment where everyone feels comfortable, able to relax and enjoy themselves, while ensuring that residents stay connected to the local area. The cafe is quite popular, so booking is essential to avoid disappointment – we can’t wait to see new and old faces for a chat over a cup of tea and slice of cake!”
The Friendship Café will also take place from 10.30am-12pm on Friday 17th May and Friday 14th June.
Lonsdale Mews offers full-time residential and dementia care, as well as short-term respite. The home incorporates space for hobby and leisure activities and includes its own cinema, hairdressing salon and café. The layout of the building is configured into a series of individual suites, each having a dedicated lounge/dining room to help facilitate the creation of close-knit communities.
Farley Way, Quorn , Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 8XS
Lonsdale Mews
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