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National care inspectors praise County Durham care home

A national care watchdog has given a County Durham care home its seal of approval, with relatives and residents praising the caring and attentive team members. 

The Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) report gave Care UK’s Church View, on Church Lane, an overall ‘good’ rating following an unannounced inspection.

The home is rated ‘good’ in all five categories, including being safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. 

Inspectors praised the team at Church View for their open and transparent communication with residents and relatives. Residents and relatives said they received regular updates from the home Manager and team members.

They also noted that the home is well-led by the manager, with the team and managers clear about their roles and responsibilities. One relative commented “[The registered manager] is lovely and very hands on. She’s always around or you can see her in her office.” 

The CQC report also recognised that residents, relatives and the team speak very positively about the culture and values at Church View, with one relative saying: “There’s a lovely calm atmosphere”. 

Inspectors also noted that team felt supported within their roles and empowered to support residents. One team member said “Working in Church View has been a dream come true for me and I love it here” and another added: “I cannot imagine working anywhere else and enjoy coming to work.”

The team were also praised by residents and relatives for their support, expertise and around the clock care. One resident said: “There’s always someone about keeping an eye on things and I just ask or buzz if there’s not” and another commented: “They (staff) know what they’re doing. I feel perfectly safe in their hands.”

Cheryl Bailey, Home Manager at Church View, said: “I am incredibly proud of the team here at Church View, and to lead such a caring and determined team. 

“Our ‘good’ rating is testament to everyone’s hard work and the high-quality care we provide residents each and every day. We are committed to ensuring all residents receive a personalised and tailored approach to care, in a dignified, professional and caring manner. 

“We are all thrilled to have received this official praise from the national inspectors and look forward to celebrating with the residents soon.”  

Church View has been designed to deliver the very best standards of care and to enable residents to live active and fulfilled lives. The home provides full-time residential and dementia care, as well as short-term respite care.  

Open to new residents

Church Lane, Murton, Seaham, County Durham, SR7 9PG

Church View

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club