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Norwich care home kicks off D-Day anniversary proceedings

A Norwich care home held a special ceremony to mark the launch of a nationwide remembrance initiative. 

Residents and team members at Care UK’s Cavell Court, on Dragonfly Lane, received their ‘Lamp Light of Peace’ as part of D-Day 80.

The event marked the official launch of Care UK’s partnership with the Lamp Light of Peace Initiative, a nationwide campaign inviting people and organisations from all sectors to light their own lamps in memoriam of those who gave their lives on the beaches of Normandy eight decades ago. 

As part of the initiative, Care UK’s 155 homes, including Cavell Court, will be lighting their lamps in tribute to coincide with the lighting of ceremonial beacons throughout the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and in UK overseas territories at 9.15pm on 6th June 2024. 

On the day, Cavell Court resident and RAF veteran Ken, aged 98, officially received a Lamp Light of Peace from Pageantmaster Bruno Peek CVO OBE OPR, who is leading on the D-Day 80 national commemorations alongside the Lamp Light of Peace initiative. The lamp itself is a tribute to those who fought on the shores of Normandy and represented a ‘light of hope’ during the war. Mr Peek also shared D-Day 80 medals with Ken and 90-year-old resident John, a Royal Navy veteran, before presenting a commemorative pin from the King’s Coronation to Betty, whose husband was an RAF pilot, for her to “pass down for generations to come.”

Ken said: “I enjoyed receiving the lamp, and it was similar to the ones used during the war. I am proud I served in the RAF, and it is important to remember.”

Karen Curle, Home Manager at Cavell Court, said: “Many residents at the home were in the armed forces, or have lived through World War II – so to them, the D-Day anniversary is an incredibly significant occasion to pay tribute.

“Ken especially was honoured to be the recipient of our Lamp Light of Peace and meet Bruno Peek; it was a truly special day for him. We couldn’t be prouder to be part of an initiative that celebrates residents like him, as well as thousands of others who have served, and continue to do so today.

“We’re now looking forward to join over 100 of Care UK’s homes in the ceremonial lighting of our Lamp Light of Peace later this year – and we’d like to encourage the people of Norwich to get involved too.”

Bruno Peek also shared that he was thrilled that Care UK was taking part: “Many people in residential and nursing homes have a direct connection with war through relatives involved in conflict, including the Normandy invasion. Taking part in a lamp lighting ceremony will enable them to reflect on the dedication and sacrifice made by their forbearers.

“Organisations the length and breadth of the country who acquire a Lamp Light of Peace to remember D-Day will, of course, be able to use them well into the future, lighting it at 11am on 11th November in ‘Remembrance' as part of the annual Armistice Day commemorations on 11th November for many years to come.”

D-Day 80 has also partnered with The Normandy Memorial Trust, The Royal Naval Association, ABF The Soldiers Charity, RAF Benevolent Fund and the Merchant Navy Association.  

More information about the D-Day 80 campaign can be found at The final date of ordering a Lamp Light of Peace via their website – - is May 23rd 2024.

Cavell Court is a modern care home which provides full-time residential, nursing and dementia care, as well as short-term respite care. Designed to enable residents to live enjoyable and fulfilling lives, the care home has its very own cinema and hairdressers, and there is plenty of space both indoors and out for relaxation and recreation.

Open to new residents

140 Dragonfly Lane, Cringleford, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7SW

Cavell Court

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club