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A pint of Guinness and a hot cup of tea – the secret to a long life according to ‘legendary’ 100-year-old Hailsham care home resident

A resident at a care home in Hailsham celebrated his 100th birthday by sharing the secret to a long and happy life. 

A very special celebration took place at Care UK’s Bowes House, on Battle Road, when William Reynolds marked his centenarian status in style. To mark the occasion, William revealed his secret to longevity: “Having a wonderful family, a pint of Guinness, a glass of Whiskey, and a hot cup of tea.”

Described by team members at the home as a ‘legend’, William spent his birthday enjoying visits from family, residents and team members throughout the day. The team also decorated his bedroom and prepared a special birthday cake for the impressive occasion. 

William said: “I had a wonderful day – it was a momentous occasion. I enjoyed spending time with my family, and it was a brilliant surprise when I saw my bedroom had been decorated too!”

William was born in Belfast on 22nd January 1924. At the age of five, William, his mother, and his younger sister, Irene, were forced to leave Ireland following the disappearance of his father. They moved to Liverpool, and later settled in Croydon. 

As a youngster, William supported his family by busking in Covent Garden, and also learnt to box. His claim to fame is fighting world heavyweight champion, Freddie Mills, for a show fight – although he reluctantly admits Freddie took the crown. 

At the age of 18 William joined the British Army and was deployed to Burma during the Second World War, before later being seconded to Japan. Upon returning home to England, he met Eileen, who he went on to marry in 1947. 

William and Eileen went on to have three children, and William took a job on the railways before working as a postman. They enjoyed a very happy life together and welcomed four grandchildren into their family. 

Jonathon Johnson, Home Manager at Bowes House, added: “William is a much-loved resident at Bowes House, and we were determined to give him an 100th birthday to remember!

“From a visit from his lovely family, to toasting with a pint of Guinness, it certainly was a day to remember, and listening to him share his words of wisdom was the icing on the cake – I think we can all learn a thing or two from his legendary advice!

“Here at Bowes House, we strive to support residents to lead fulfilling lives – and this doesn’t stop at the age of 100. We were delighted to celebrate such a brilliant milestone with William and his family. Happy Birthday, William!”

Bowes House is a state-of-the-art care home which provides full-time residential, nursing and dementia care, as well as short-term respite care. Designed to enable residents to live enjoyable and fulfilling lives, the care home has it very own cinema and hairdressers and there is plenty of space both indoors and out for relaxation and recreation. The home has a comprehensive activity programme offering a mix of themed events, group activities and days out.

Open to new residents

25 Battle Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 1DU

Bowes House

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Day club