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Shinfield care home residents host unusual visitors

A care home in Shinfield opened its doors to creatures great and small. 

Residents at Care UK’s Parsons Grange, on Westall Street, were thoroughly ‘shell-shocked’ when a herd of quirky animals paid them a visit.

Creatures included a couple of goats, a tortoise, and rabbits from a local petting zoo.

Residents interacted with the visiting animals and learnt about their new furry – and scaly – friends, prompting them to reminisce about trips to the zoo in younger years and pets they’ve had throughout their lives.

Pamela a resident at Parson Grange said: “l loved the goats, such funny creatures very naughty and mischievous.”

Rozina Ali, Home Manager at Parsons Grange, said: “Goats, rabbits and tortoises are not our usual visitors, but they certainly put a smile on the resident’s faces! 

“Being around animals is a great way of promoting relaxation and improving wellbeing, by providing companionship and increasing activity levels. Residents loved holding the animals and it was great to hear everyone sharing stories of their childhood memories and experiences connected to the animals that the petting zoo brought with them. 

“We’d like to say a huge thank you to the petting zoo for such a wonderful day – we are looking forward to seeing what creatures we can have visit next!”

Designed to enable residents to live active and fulfilled lives, while also promoting independence, Parsons Grange care home has been designed with residents in mind. The home has plenty of space for leisure and hobby activities as well as a café, hair salon, bar and a cinema for residents to enjoy. 

Open to new residents

Westall Street, Shinfield, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 9AU

Parsons Grange

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Day club