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National care inspectors praise Cheadle care home

A national care watchdog has given a Cheadle care home its seal of approval, with relatives and residents praising its caring, person-centred culture.

The Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) report gave Care UK’s Abney Court, in Abney Hall Park, an overall good rating, following an unannounced inspection.

The home is rated good in all five areas, including safe, effective, caring, responsive and being well-led.

The report highlighted the home’s warm atmosphere, with residents speaking fondly of the team. Comments included, “I think they [team] are friendly and approachable” and, “They [team] are all lovely people, they know me and look after me well.” Inspectors found this sentiment was echoed by relatives, who praised the standards of care at the home: “They [team] are always nice and respectful and always make time for [family member].”

Inspectors were impressed with the home’s person-centred approach, which is the driver behind everything at Abney Court, from the care plans to the extensive activities programme. The home was also praised for its commitment to building relationships within the community to enable residents to lead fulfilling lives. 

As part of this approach, there is a wide range of activities available – from trips out to street markets or with local walking groups to celebrations and awareness raising events. A resident commented: “The [team] who have looked after me have made an effort to get to know me. They are very nice.” Another health professional in the community added: “Communication with the staff is brilliant, they know people's needs. It is very person-centred, and they seem quite proactive”

The new management team’s approach to leadership was also highlighted in the report. The Home Manager, Amcia Hara, is passionate about striving for perfection and has implemented an inclusive culture where people feel empowered, an approach reflected in the quality of the care residents receive. 

One team member commented: "It’s lovely to work here. People have the freedom to live their lives in the way they want to.”

When speaking about onboarding her new management team at the home, Amcia said: “I have set high expectations of the [team]. I am so proud of what the team have done.” 

Team members told inspectors that they felt well trained and supported in their understanding of their role, as well as being provided tools to be able to actively learn and develop in their careers. One team member commented: “The registered manager has developed guides, such as care plan examples, to help us with what we need to be doing.”

Amcia Hara, Home Manager at Abney Court said: “Everyone at Abney Court works incredibly hard to provide the highest possible standards of care to all residents and their families in a friendly, comfortable environment, so I’m proud we received a good CQC rating. 

“Every resident is unique – so why should their care plan be any different? We pride ourselves in the high-quality tailored care we provide, enabling residents to lead fulfilling lives in a warm, peaceful environment that has been designed to promote independence and support those who live at the home.

“I would like to say a big thank you to everyone at Abney Court for their dedication, which I know is also greatly appreciated by residents and their families. They are what makes our care home a wonderful place to call home for so many residents, and I’m grateful for everything they do on a daily basis.”

To assess service standards at Abney Court, the CQC inspectors spoke with team members, residents, and their visiting relatives on the day of the inspection. They also reviewed the records and procedures already in place at the care home. 

Abney Court has been designed to deliver the very best standards of care and to enable residents to live active and fulfilled lives. The home provides full-time residential and dementia care, as well as short-term respite care. The care home incorporates space for hobby and leisure activities and includes its own cinema, hair salon and café.

For more information on Abney Court, please email Erminia Anglesea, Customer Relations Manager, on or call 0161 660 5713.

For more general information about Abney Court, please visit

Open to new residents

Abney Hall Park, Manchester Road, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 2PD

Abney Court

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club