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Clara Court invites community to celebrate outstanding results


Clara Court has just received an ‘Outstanding’ rating from the Care Quality Inspection – and is inviting the community in to celebrate. 

Clara Court invites community to celebrate outstanding results

From 2pm - 4pm, on Wednesday 10th April, Clara Court will open its doors to local people to celebrate the achievement.

On the day, a commemorative plaque will be unveiled, while visitors will be treated to a performance from an Elvis impersonator. The home will also offer a zumba session, as well as an arts and craft workshop for those looking to polish their skills. 

There will also be an opportunity to get up close to a variety of friendly farm animals, including sheep and chicks, brought by Basil and Crew. 

Earlier this month, the CQC awarded Clara Court ‘outstanding’ in both its responsiveness and effectiveness, resulting in an overall ‘outstanding’ rating.

On the report, inspectors commented on the warm, inviting environment at Clara Court, which recreated ‘the feeling of home’, and how the team treated residents with care and respect, having developed a ‘family culture’. One relative commented: “They care for her so lovingly and respectfully. The care they provide to her is like family care.”

The report praised Clara Court’s person-centred approach in every aspect of the residents’ daily lives. Inspectors noted that the home had appointed two residents as ‘ambassadors’; their role includes taking part in the recruitment process for new team members and chairing resident’s meetings, giving them a sense of purpose while ensuring residents’ voices are heard. 

During the unannounced inspection, mealtimes were observed and it was noted how relaxed the dining rooms were during these times. Residents were able to choose what they wanted to eat, and where they wanted to eat it, while being provided with adapted crookery. A relative commented: “The food is very good. They have several choices. If one doesn’t like vegetables they can have a salad. It’s all about choice.”

During the inspection, the Care UK team demonstrated affection, warmth and compassion, something which was echoed by the relatives of the residents. One relative said: “The residents are always happy.” Inspectors praised team members for going the extra mile and ensuring residents could live a fulfilled life. For example, a resident was enabled to attend their family summer party, allowing them to see their children and grandchildren while a team member was there to support them throughout the day. Another resident was supported to access the community on their own on a regular basis after they expressed the wish to do so.

Inspectors were impressed with the range of activities on offer, from entertainers to arm chair exercise classes. The home has dementia-friendly games available as well, which were donated by a local primary school during an interactive session between children and residents as part of an ongoing partnership. One resident commented: “It was lovely to see the children.”

Home manager at Clara Court, Debbie Winwood, said: “Here at Clara Court we see beyond a resident’s dementia or frailty, to their personality and spirit. We don’t see obstacles, we see opportunities. Every aspect of life here is tailored to the residents and how they want to be cared for; after all, Clara Court is their home, and we’re only visitors. 

“I’m so pleased our continued efforts have been recognised by the CQC’s inspectors. Everyone here is so passionate about improving the quality of residents’ lives, and they work incredibly hard to make a positive difference. 

“To be rated ‘outstanding’ shows just how committed the team is, and I’m extremely proud of each and every one of them. I would like to say thank you for their hard work and dedication, which I know is also greatly appreciated by residents and their families. We hope the local community will join us for what’s set to be a fun day of celebrations.”

Open to new residents

21 Courthouse Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 6JE

Clara Court

CQC Rating: Outstanding
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club

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