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Cavell Court offers support to family carers in Cringleford


Cavell Court is inviting the local community to a free event offering support and advice to family carers.

On Wednesday 14th November, from 1.30pm – 4pm, the team at Cavell Court is welcoming people to its first ‘Communication for Carers’ event, designed to help local family carers to get to know each other and share ideas and experiences. 

Gina Brown from Age UK Norwich will be hosting the interactive workshop and will discuss the different types of dementia, behavior changes in loved ones, and tools for effective communication.  

Carers are also encouraged to bring their loved ones along to the event, who will be able to take part in a range of activities delivered specially by Cavell Court’s lifestyle team.

After the event there will be a Q&A session with Gina and the opportunity to meet the friendly team at Cavell Court, as well as take a closer look at the care home.

Cavell Court home manager, Jennie Rodger,said: “Here at Cavell Court, we strongly believe that being informed and sharing experiences can make a real difference to those caring for a loved one, and it can often be a great comfort to hear that others understand your situation. 

“Our free advice events always prove to be incredibly popular with local people so I’m hopeful that our first Communication for Carers workshop will also be a success. We look forward to welcoming Gina to Cavell Court for what promises to be an interesting and inspiring afternoon of information and guidance.” 

Open to new residents

140 Dragonfly Lane, Cringleford, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7SW

Cavell Court

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club