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Eagle-eyed Tor-Na-Dee residents welcome feathered friends


Residents at Tor-Na-Dee had the chance to get up close with creatures great and small when they were visited by some feathered friends.

The team at Tor-Na-Dee invited the Speyside Falconry to lead a ‘show and tell’ workshop with residents. 

Residents were visited by a host of birds of prey, including a barn own and a majestic European eagle owl.As part of the session, the residents had the opportunity to learn interesting facts on the different birds and were also able to handle the friendly creatures.

Maureen Barrett, home manager at Tor-Na-Dee, said: “We are always looking to plan interesting and exciting activities. Many of our residents have a keen interest in nature and wildlife, and with the success of our birdwatching activity earlier this year, a falconry display was a wonderful way of developing their passion.   

“You could see from residents’ reactions just how engaged and fascinated they were by the chance to get so close to these impressive creatures.  We know just how beneficial animal therapy can be for older people, especially for those living with dementia.Being close to animals can help lift a person’s mood, stimulate social interaction and ease agitation – and the birds were brilliant at doing just that! It was fantastic to see the smiles on everyone’s faces.” 

Open to new residents

North Deeside Road, Milltimber, Aberdeen, Scotland, AB13 0HR


Care Inspectorate: Registered
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • End of life care
  • Respite care
  • Day club

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