Home news
Oct 24, 2017
The team at Cavell Court were awarded the Quality PLUS mark as part of the In Good Company campaign – which is helping to combat loneliness in the county.
The care home on Dragonfly Lane was one of only seven organisations to achieve the Quality PLUS mark. The special Quality PLUS mark recognises organisations that have gone above and beyond to help engage with those who may feel isolated or lonely in the local community.
Cavell Court has opened its doors to the public for a number of community events, including inviting an intergenerational project with a local school, launching a community lunch club and hosting dementia friends sessions.
Richard Lawson, home manager said: “Here at Cavell Court, we are keen to support schemes which are tackling loneliness, older people can often experience feelings of isolation in their later years so this is an issue close to our hearts. We always encourage our team and the residents to be part of the community, and enjoy inviting local people to visit.
“We’re thrilled to be recognised by Norfolk County Council and will continue to help tackle loneliness in the wider community.”
140 Dragonfly Lane, Cringleford, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7SW
Cavell Court
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