Home news
May 30, 2017
The team and residents at Appleby House has launched its own Happy Café, a initiative which aims to bring people from the local community together and combat loneliness.
Every Monday at 1.30pm, residents at Appleby House will be joined by ‘Mums Making Moments’, a group of parents from Stamford Green Primary School, as well as members of the community for afternoon tea and cake. Here, they will also discuss the ten key steps to happier living, including giving, relating and emotions.
The Happy Café Network was created by members of the Action for Happiness movement. It is a place where those seeking happier lives for themselves and others can connect with each other over a coffee.
Home manager at Appleby House, Shona Bradbury, said: “At Appleby House, we strive to create a sense of belonging within the home, as well building strong links with our neighbours.
“We have built a warm, welcoming community here, and we are thrilled to have opened our very own Happy Café. We believe that nobody should be lonely, and our Happy Café offers a place for anybody within the local community to come and join us here for a cup of tea and a chat.”
Longmead Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 9RX
Appleby House
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