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Community in Cringleford invited to plan for the future

People in Cringleford and the surrounding area are invited to learn about ‘Planning care for the future’ when Cavell Court care home on Dragonfly Lane opens its doors on Thursday 22nd September for a free advice-led event.

From 2pm to 4pm, Christina Stöhr, from Chamberlins Solicitors, and Later Life Adviser, Steve Hendrie, will help members of the local community understand their options for funding long-term care – whether caring for someone in their own home or in residential care. There will also be practical information about wills and powers of attorney.  

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, and visitors can also meet the Care UK team at Cavell Court and take a tour of the care home.

Kelly Mendham, home manager at Cavell Court, said: “At Cavell Court, we understand that making some legal and financial decisions can be a little daunting, so we wanted to offer a free event to help families make sense of the choices that are available. 

“We’re really pleased that Steve and Christina will be joining us, as they both have a wealth of knowledge in legal and financial services and can provide professional guidance and support to the attendees. Everyone is welcome to the event, however places are limited so we would encourage those interested to register their attendance.”

Open to new residents

140 Dragonfly Lane, Cringleford, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7SW

Cavell Court

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club