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Ventress Hall given the green light to continue ‘step down’ care

In late 2015 Ventress Hall in Darlington began a six month contract with Darlington Memorial Hospital to help patients on the recovery journey back to their own homes. The care home has been providing nine 'step down' beds, from a minimum of two days to a maximum of two weeks.

Home manager, Judy Wray, is delighted with how the scheme has been going. “Our team has years of experience of caring for older people with a wide range of needs, so it makes sense for us to help people transition from a hospital stay back to their own homes.

“The people we care for on the scheme may be recovering from acute conditions such as chest infections or fractures from falls. Although fit enough to be discharged, they require extra care before going back home. Here at Ventress Hall we offer them a place where they can recover in a safe and supportive environment.

“We're really happy with how the partnership with Darlington Memorial Hospital has progressed, and with the fantastic feedback we've had from residents who we’ve been caring for as part of the scheme. Just knowing we are helping to ease the pressure at the hospital makes me feel proud to be part of it," says Judy.

Dr Jenny Steel, Clinical Lead, Multidisciplinary Team Frail Elderly, at Darlington Clinical Commissioning Group introduced the scheme and says of the team at Ventress Hall, “[They have] demonstrated that with…tenacity and determination we can make a difference and improve pathways for patients."

Judy and her team received the great news just days ago that the step down service will be continuing for a further 12 months – until the end of April 2017. “We’re over the moon!” says Judy.

Open to new residents

22-28 Trinity Road, Darlington, County Durham, DL3 7AZ

Ventress Hall

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club

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