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A trip down memory lane for Colne View residents

Residents at the Colne View care home in Halstead took a trip down memory lane when representatives from The Historical Display Team recently visited the home.

Everyone at Colne View was taken back to a wartime era when Bradley Cooper dropped in to the care home.  Bradley brought along items from his collection of authentic memorabilia including military uniforms from the Second World War and uniforms worn by women serving in the Auxiliary Territorial Service, as well as items such as evacuee suitcases and gas masks.  He also gave a talk to the residents on the RAF and life on the Home Front.

Omar Taylor, home manager at Colne View, said: “Reminiscence plays a very important part in the activities enjoyed by residents at Colne View, not least because it has many benefits – particularly for those living with dementia.  

“It was wonderful for residents to spend time talking about the war and sharing experiences. The historical items were very familiar to many – even after many decades – and being able to see and handle the memorabilia made the multi-sensory session far more interesting and stimulating.  The afternoon prompted much discussion about what was clearly an important time in residents’ lives.”

The Historical Display Team brings Britain’s military past to life through hands-on learning, team building experiences, and lectures covering both World Wars.  The team, led by Bradley Cooper who started collecting military equipment at the age of seven, takes pride in providing a high quality teaching experience, and ensures everything it sources is original and authentic.

Open to new residents

Dame Mary Walk, Colchester Road, Halstead, Essex, CO9 2FF

Colne View

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club