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Woking home wins praise from residents and approval of national care inspectors

Care UK’s Kingsleigh care home in Woking has been given the seal of approval by a national care watchdog, with inspectors, residents and relatives praising the home’s caring team members.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) report, which follows an unannounced inspection of the home in Kingsfield Road, quotes a resident who told them they had been in the home for two years and said they loved it, saying: "I can't think of one wrong thing to say about the place." The inspectors also found that people's needs were being properly assessed, managed and reviewed.

The inspectors examined the home and its records and interviewed team members, residents and relatives to ensure that it meets the Government’s five standards of quality and safety which are:

  • Consent to care and treatment;
  • Care and welfare of people who use services;
  • Safeguarding people who use services from abuse;
  • Supporting workers and
  • Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision.

The inspectors reported that residents’ consent and opinions were sought on their care and that residents and relatives had opportunities to give feedback. They also reported that several people told them they thought they could make informed decisions for themselves.

One resident told inspectors: "I can't think of one wrong thing to say about the place. The food's good and the staff are really helpful,” while inspectors reported that the relatives they spoke with said they were very pleased with the care being offered by the home and said they were always closely consulted about all aspects of their family member's care, and had been involved since the person's initial assessment.

Manager Wendy Dodimead said: “Without choice, there is not dignity, and we strive to ensure that every resident has choice in their care, food and activities. This is their home; a home is not a home if you can’t do the things you enjoy and make choices for yourself.

“I was pleased to see that the inspectors saw how individual and up-to-date our care plans are for each resident. I have a great team who work very hard to get know every resident’s likes, dislikes, interests and how they want to receive their care.

“Treating everyone as a unique individual is the only way to provide great care and I was very pleased to see the inspectors report that residents could be confident that their care plans were being tailored to their individual needs and preferences, and being kept under continual review.”

Open to new residents

Kingfield Road, Woking, Surrey, GU22 9EQ


CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • End of life care
  • Day club