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Cairdean Knit for Africa

Cairdean Knitting Bee are pleased to say that we are now involved with the “Fish & Chip” babies of Africa. We are a group of residents who get together every Wednesday afternoon, to socialise and knit. What makes this so special is the cause, the “Fish & Chip” babies of Africa who previously came out of hospital being wrapped in newspaper. We help ensure this doesn’t happen anymore with the various items that we knit, including baby vests, blankets and hats.

Six to seven residents are part of the knitting bee group, and one participant Myra Stephen told us about the project:

“I have been knitting these baby vests for some time and have encouraged the residents of Cairdean to help out too. Our knitting bee will be making blankets and hats for these children. If you would like to join us or have any spare double knitting wool that would be great”.

As well as attending knitting bee each week, we also knit in our own time and take the wool away with us. Myra has also encouraged members of the team at Cairdean to take part and knit, and has taught activities co-ordinator, Lynne Mclean to competently knit.

Open to new residents

185 Redford Road, Colinton, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH13 9PN

Cairdean House

Care Inspectorate: Registered
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • End of life care
  • Respite care
  • Day club