Home news
Aug 02, 2013
Our annual summer fete was once again a great success, with lots of visitors to our home on Saturday enjoying our stalls, refreshments and entertainment.
Despite the sun hiding behind the clouds, we had a great day, thanks to the hard work of our residents, their relatives and the team.
Activities Coordinator Julie Packer said: “Once again our ‘crafty’ residents had been working away behind the scenes, creating a wide range of goods for their stalls, including greeting cards, knitting and table decorations.
“Resident Kath Wagstaff - with help from her daughter-in-law - had knitted a beautiful doll’s bridal dress to go along with a teddy bear page boy and they were the prize on the Guess the Wedding Date stall.”
The tombola also proved very popular with our visitors and one of our residents won the top prize, Sunday lunch at the Holiday Inn for two, which she intends to use with her sister.
Julie said: “Entertainment was provided by the Warwick Adult Wind band and we were delighted to be joined for the afternoon by Kenilworth’s Mayor Felicity Bunker and Kenilworth’s carnival queen ‘Miss Kenilworth’ Sarah MacPherson.”
We have lots of activities planned throughout the summer, so keep an eye on this site to see news and photos from our outings and events.
4 Spring Lane, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2HB
Kenilworth Grange
We are happy to arrange interviews with a range of experts, commentary on industry issues and site visits for filming, photography or sound recording. Please get in touch with your requirements and we will do our best to arrange a suitable response.
These contact details are for media enquiries only.
Please call 01206 517 215 or email press.office@careuk.com.