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Wish trees help us plan our activities

New Year’s resolutions are very popular, but this year Chalfont Court has decided to put a twist on the theme and turn resolutions into wishes.

Each of the units now has a painted tree, created by Activities Coordinator Emily Simpson, who said: “I have also made two green leaves for each resident to write their wishes on; they will then attach leaves to the tree and I will use what they have written to help me create a programme of individual or group events throughout 2013.”

Residents have already begun to write on their leaves and wishes include events such as boat trips or outings to much-loved places.

Emily said: “Some are a lot more ambitious. We have one resident who would like to visit their family in Australia. We can’t manage that, but we hope to organise for them to start using Skype instead. We also have a lady that wants to go on a Hawaiian holiday with her husband, so we are hoping to arrange a special themed evening for them.

“Whatever we do, we will try and make as many dreams as possible come true in 2013.”