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The animals came in two by two

Noah himself would have been proud of the menagerie of animals which visited  Ogilvy Court and the residents had fun making a fuss of them all.

Sheep, chickens, pigs, ducks, a pony and a farm dog were amongst the feathered and furry visitors. The animals were mainly kept in our Dahlia Unit gardens, where many residents came to visit them, but for those who were unable to leave their rooms, some of the animals were escorted inside.

Joanna Murca Da Silva, who organised the visit from Ark Farm, said: “It was a wonderful visit and it was nice to have so many of the residents’ relatives joining in the fun. Everyone had a great time and it was comical to see the pony walking around the home.

“Many of our residents have owned pets or even worked with animals and it brought back many happy memories. One gentleman had looked after horses and he had lots of questions for the owner about the pony and when he would be getting his first set of horseshoes.”

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