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Community joins in a spring full of activities for Ponteland nursing home

The Ponteland community will be joining residents at Care UK’s Ponteland Manor for a spring full of fun and activities.

The town’s University of the Third Age (U3A) will be holding a range of events and activities at the Thornhill Road home throughout the spring, including art classes, practices for a choir and a recorder ensemble, as well as gardening club meetings.

Activities coordinator Annette Dodds said: "The classes are very popular with our residents. They all love listening to the music groups and many of them have happy memories of playing the recorder or belonging to choirs in the area.

"Some of them join in with the art classes. Several residents have painted and drawn throughout their lives and they love to be able to draw with other artists and learn new techniques from the teacher.

"People think that, when you leave your own home, you have to say goodbye to your hobbies and interests. At Ponteland Manor, we do everything we can to help people not only keep up their interests but develop them too."

The members of the U3A have also helped the residents in the home by helping them attend activities at the local church. Annette said: "There is a pathway from our home to the church hall and the visitors are wonderful at pushing wheelchairs or accompanying residents. The residents love it because not only do they get to carry out their favourite activities, they also get to have a chat and a catch-up about what is going on in town.

 Most of our residents have spent their lives in the Newcastle area and it is wonderful that, in our home, they are still part of the community they love."

Open to new residents

Thornhill Road, Ponteland, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, NE20 9PZ

Ponteland Manor

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club