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Ogilvy Court holds Dignity Action Day

Special guests, residents, and their relatives enjoyed a special day held at Ogilvy Court to raise awareness of dignity in care and to stress that everyone has their role to play in achieving it.

The Dignity Action Day highlighted the importance of treating people as individuals and to ensure they are given choice, control and sense of purpose in their daily lives and provided with stimulating activities.

Guests included local councillor Harbhajan Singh, Frances Gibson, Director of Nursing Care UK, and Violet Kotu, Regional Director Care UK.

Everyone  enjoyed an interactive game called “Dignity Tree” where people were asked to write on leaves what dignity meant to them before sticking them on a special tree in the unit.

Joanna Murca Da Silva held the event with support of Home Manager Sanusee Koromah , care manager Charity Phiri and nurse Usha Jalon who gave a presentation about dignity awareness and core value of care for our residents.

There were also songs, poems a short film and music from Franz Black who had everyone on their feet.

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