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Jubilee House nursing home raises funds for dementia charity

Residents and staff at Jubilee House are busy in the kitchens getting ready to raise money for Dementia UK, as part of Time for a Cuppa day, on Monday 27th February.

Time for a Cuppa is about bringing people together across the country to hold an event at home, in the workplace or in the community, to help raise much-needed funds to support the work of Dementia UK, a charity dedicated to improving life for people with dementia.

Care Home Manager Gráinne Wokes said: “Our kitchen team, staff and residents will be making cakes to sell on the day to their friends and relatives. Residents particularly enjoy making cupcakes with lots of different coloured icings and decorations. Some of their creations are very pretty and they are all very tasty!”

The cakes will be sold to eat at the event with a cuppa or to take home and enjoy. Guests and residents will also enjoy a special high tea created for the occasion by the home’s kitchen team.


Open to new residents

Pound Lane, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1BX

Jubilee House

CQC Rating: Outstanding
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • End of life care
  • Residential care
  • Nursing care
  • Respite care
  • Day club