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Break away holiday guide

Treat yourself to a break away

If you’re thinking about having a holiday with your loved one but you’re not sure where to start, our break away holiday guide can help. As with a day trip, planning is key. The guide provides prompts and suggestions to help you to decide on the best type of holiday for you and your loved one.

  1. Plan well but be flexible: Planning all the aspects of your holiday well in advance will ensure that it will go as smoothly as possible. But always expect the unexpected and build a degree of flexibility into your plans.

  2. Counting the pennies: If you’d love a break, but money is an issue, you may be able to get help from a charity. Can you take a co-carer? If you really want to relax on the holiday it’s worth considering sharing the job of caring for your loved one with someone else you both trust.

  3. Specialist providers: There are many companies now who specialise in providing holidays for people with disabilities, including dementia. Their accommodation and activities will be specially designed for your loved one’s needs. They may even provide respite care so you can have time to yourself.

  4. Be clear: Make a list of your requirements and ask providers how they can help you. Being clear about potential difficulties or limitations will enable everyone to be clear about what to expect.

  5. Plan the journey: The severity and nature of your loved one’s dementia will decide how far away you go, and what sort of transport you use. If you’re planning on travelling by air, get familiar with the services airlines and airports offer to passengers with disabilities.

  6. On form: Your loved one’s GP can complete the various forms you’ll need to get the help you deserve during your journey.

  7. Recce if you can: Although you can’t visit an overseas destination in advance of your trip, if you’re planning to holiday relatively close to home, can you do a site visit ahead of time so you can find out about things like accessibility and activities?

  8. Medication matters: If your loved one is on medication, will you have enough to last your holiday? If it needs refrigerating, will you have access to a fridge during your time away?

  9. Luggage labelling: As well as using luggage labels, include a sheet of paper with your name and address and where you’re staying in your and your loved one’s luggage. That way, if labels are lost or removed you stand a good chance of seeing your luggage again!