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Early Careers – Creating Opportunities and Breaking Barriers 

At Care UK we are passionate about creating fulfilling careers and are proud, as part of our wider Early Careers initiatives, to partner with the social mobility charity Speakers for Schools.

What are we doing?

The project supports leaders to design and deliver careers education programmes which are tailored to the needs of young people in schools and colleges. Care UK is delighted to be developing its experience and understanding of working with young people to improve their careers education programmes and help create opportunities and break barriers around perceptions of working in Adult Social Care.

The goal of our SEND project

As part of this partnership, we are delivering a project for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) on behalf of Greater Essex Careers Hub.

The aim is to make careers education as high impact as possible for young people with SEND to include resources, training, employability workshops and events whilst raising awareness and inspiring students to consider a career in care and offering valuable education, interaction and employability skills. 

We are eager to reinvent the view of working in care to the future workforce, whilst contributing to the community and our ESG commitments to education, training and employment.


As part of our Early Career strategy, we are proud to engage with SEND schools and disadvantaged groups to support in raising awareness of what they can achieve and support with employability skills.

Omar Taylor
Regional Director – Essex


The future

We initially have committed to a minimum of four sessions/days per year within the Essex region dedicated for this project, with a view to support this and similar initiatives nationally in the long term. 

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